Big data

The smart management of large amounts of data, numbers and statistics to be analyzed is increasingly strategic. Data refers to text, images, video, audio and other elements of calculation. To exploit these enormous masses of data, forms of reading, calculation and interpretation far superior to human ones have been developed.
Big data applications are found in the following sectors: banking, insurance, social media, manufacturing, large-scale distribution and retail, public administration and healthcare.

Big data in companies

In a large or medium-sized company, the use of big data could be used in:

Applications of big data analytics in management activities

Big data analytics is an important issue for entrepreneurs aiming for a smart business organization, both for the development of actions capable of affecting cost reduction and for the knowledge of customers and the development of new services.
The smart management of information flows can make a company become so proactive that it is able to anticipate the needs of users, customers, consumers and citizens.

Big data: advantages

Big data bring different benefits in many sectors, such as:
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