The term ICT is an acronym, now widely used in the IT world and literally means “Information and Communication Technology”. Actually, giving a simple and specific definition of what ICT means is complicated, as it includes many facets.
In summary, it refers to several communication technologies: internet, radio, television, mobile phones, network hardware and software, satellite systems and so on. The origin of ICT is quite recent, indeed, the real boom occurred in the 1990s with the birth of the World Wide Web (www). During this historical period, both digitalisation and telephone networks became increasingly widespread, contributing to the phenomenon of “globalization”. At the beginning of the new millennium, the ICT as we know today was born, when IT, i.e., information technology, and CT, i.e., communications technology, merged.
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ICT: how it relates to digital transformation
As a result of the growing popularity of Internet, today ICT and IT have become increasingly fundamental in every field, shortening the distance between people, creating new opportunities and new professions, and improving efficiency and productivity in almost every sector. It is clear that ICT and IT are interconnected and that both contribute to the digital transformation, as it goes hand in hand with innovation. Often, we all have difficulty keeping up with technology and its impact, but above all, companies, in order to compete effectively and grow, cannot ignore the implementation of a true digital transformation.
Differences between IT and ICT
There is not a clear cut between IT and ICT because they often walk together. Basically, ICT is more focused on communication technologies, such as the Internet, wireless networks, mobile phones and other media; IT refers more to the use of any computer, storage system, networking and other devices to create, process, store, protect and exchange electronic data.
A company that is aware of digital innovation evolves in both fields: on one hand it will be careful to have an efficient “IT system” (PCs, routers, networks, software, business efficiency, etc.), on the other hand it will also use its IT systems in the “ICT area” e.g. to manage and develop corporate websites, web platforms, cloud services, internal or customer communication, online marketing.

The ICT macro-categories
After having seen what ICT means and how it relates to digital transformation, it is now time to find out what ICT technologies concretely are. The main macro-categories are:
- mobile apps;
- Internet of Things (IoT);
- cloud computing e big data;
- artificial intelligence (AI);
- blockchain;
- augmented reality and virtual reality.
A concrete example of ICT
An example of ICT is the one applied to the bank sector. Why going to a bank office when you can simply visit a website or a smartphone app and manage your financial transactions remotely? In addition, ICT has made it possible to create debit and credit cards, ATMs (found practically all over the world) and Internet banking, all very user-friendly services that have greatly improved the quality of life.
What are the benefits of using ICT technologies for businesses
The development of ICT technologies has brought multiple benefits into the companies, among the others:
- quick response to customer requests;
- increased communication, and therefore more productivity;
- new sales channels and new target markets with a consequent increase in competitive advantage;
- possibility of efficiently finding information in response to any question and in support of any business decision;
- reduction of administrative costs by acquiring documentation in digital format;
- automation of routine tasks.
Rely on PMF Research and leap into the future
Understanding the importance of these technologies is essential to take a step forward in the digitalisation process. Digital is now part of our lives and there is no doubt that ICT will progress faster and faster. In this regard, if one wants to maintain a certain authority by the market, it is wise not to delay in embracing these new technologies.
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